Sunday, October 4, 2015

Awareness as a Spiritual Practice

Awareness as a Spiritual Practice
52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams

The purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through daily practice. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. With practice, you will begin to encounter your experiences in a spiritual context as you begin to practice and master spiritual principles. This week’s spiritual principle is Awareness.

Our core quality is awareness. Awareness means to be awake to our inner and outer world. Awareness is having the ability to witness our inner dialogue without judgment. Awareness is sitting in the seat of the Self (the soul), the witness. Awareness allows us to be conscious of the ego (self) and soul (Self), and the opportunity to merge the two (ego and soul). In expanded awareness, we see deeper meanings, insights, discernment, intuitions and visions. In expanded awareness we know that all events have meaning, even coincidences. No experience is wasted. Move in the direction of unity, love, and peace by integrating the soul and ego. Awareness is where we do the real work for peace and freedom.

The person looking in the mirror today is the same person in the mirror at age 5, 10, 20, and 60. Although the body image changes, the inner you is changeless. You are not your name, occupation, ethnicity, body, past, title, or thoughts because when these things change – your essence is changeless. Ask the question: “Who am I?” “Who sees what I see, and who hears what I hear?” Who we are and why we are here is no longer a mystery.  If you are looking at something, the something is not you. You are the experiencer, the witness - awareness is who we are.

Begin to witness the quality of your thoughts through self-observation and awareness. There is a voice in your head that talks constantly. The voice is the ego talking about anything and everything in relationship to the self. “I like that…I don’t like that…Why did they forgot me…What about me…; I should have said… Why don’t they like me…I don’t like that…” There is never peace or contentment when the ego self has a problem with everything. Spend a day with the voice inside your mind, personify that voice and make it your roommate. Witness the endless chatter regarding the “I, me” dialogue with problems, complaints, and disturbances. Don’t fight the ego, question it.  As you become aware of the unending chatter in the mind, say, “That’s not me.”

Our connection to what is good is by way of the soul. We are connected to God through our soul which is loving, compassionate, gentle, kind, and nonjudgmental. The soul Self is subtle and less demanding than the ego self. Free the self from the ego by identifying and practicing spiritual qualities and being vigilant in monitoring your thought processes.  For as a man or woman thinks in their heart and soul, that is who they are (Proverbs 23:7).  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8). Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise and consider the concept of expanded awareness as allowing the will of Divine Intelligence to guide and direct your life. Thy will be done (Matthew 6:4).  Allow your soul – your Higher Self to lead.

Expanded awareness empowers us to sense problems and challenges and to accept guidance by our Higher awareness – the soul. Expanded awareness is the sacred path where the “I” “me” and “mine” fades to the background. In expanded awareness, everything is connected. In addition to the five senses, expanded awareness is a process where we see more of what is available and have access to limitless possibilities from the Universe – the soul connection, the Source, God.


Who are you and why are you here?
Are you aware of the voice talking inside your head all the time?
What is the voice saying?
Who is the one that is listening to the voice?
Are you aware of repetitive patterns of behavior?
Have you proved by experience that your past actions do not work for present challenges?

Awareness Practices:
  • Hugging Meditation: Practice breathing in and breathing out, recite “Breathing in, I know that life is precious in this moment. Breathing out, I cherish this moment of life.” Smile at the person in front of you, expressing your desire to hold him or her in your arms. Then open your arms and begin hugging. Hold each other for three in – and out-breaths. Bring your body and mind together to produce your total presence (awareness). Train yourself to live every moment of your daily life in the present moment (Happiness by Thich Nhat Hanh).
  • Affirmation: I am the one who sees out there. I am the observer, experiencer, the witness. I am changeless, timeless, invisible, and intangible. I am present at the seat of the soul. I look out and I am aware of the events and thoughts that pass before me with detachment. I sit in the seat of the soul; the seat of consciousness.
  • Witness your EGO dominated behaviors and transition to the spiritual principles of the SOUL.The soul is the Divine characteristic of the physical body. The ego contradicts the role of the soul, which is Higher Awareness. Keep track of your thoughts and eventually there will be a shift from ego-based to soul-inspired thoughts and actions. The goal is to modify the ego’s role from a dominant to a subordinate status. Higher awareness produces soul qualities when we do the work by practicing spiritual principles. Connect with the Higher Self – the soul – and experience God. Create a new reality by making a shift from ego to the soul and allow your Higher Self to dominate your life. Expand God qualities listed below by practicing spiritual principles.
Individual Expression









Be still, and know that I am God (Psalms 46:10). Awareness occurs when we silence the mind in stillness. Awareness is not something you do, but a way of being. We are all part of God, the Holy Spirit – God consciousness. Abide in me, and I will abide in you (John 15:4). The seed of awareness is available to all.

How do you shift your awareness from being ego-based to soul-inspired? Develop your own spiritual practice.

Peace and Much Blessings

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