Thursday, October 29, 2015

Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice

52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams

The purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through daily practice. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. With practice, you will begin to encounter your experiences in a spiritual context as you begin to practice and master spiritual principles. This week’s spiritual principle is Gratitude.

Gratitude is an act of humility. Gratitude is giving thanks and appreciation for all that is and will be. The benefits of appreciation are intangible. Appreciation raises the energy level of the giver and receiver and creates a sense of gratitude.  Decide today, what and how much gratitude you want to experience by giving and receiving. Begin with giving. Give your talent, service, a great idea, a generous thought. Give wisdom, peace, harmony, a prayer. Give appreciation, joy, and a smile. Give extra effort and energy. Use your voice to create peace and love. You get back what you give, only multiplied; Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Luke 6:38). Good produces more good.

Gratitude parallels the universal laws of Giving and Receiving, the Law of Karma, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Common Sense, the Law of Service, and the Law of Love.  Feeling a sense of gratitude heightens awareness. Love, appreciation, gratefulness, and gratitude are the essence of the soul. A feeling of wellness is a result of feeling connected. When we feel good, we align with our source energy – God - soul. We are not obligated to feel good about the negative energy of others. We have no control of what others feel, or how they feel, but we can control how we feel. Our primary goal is to feel good, to feel grateful and appreciative.

Be grateful and speak your declarations of gratitude and bring joy to the soul. Think on good things (Philippians 4:8). Only one thought can dominate the consciousness at a time. You cannot be grateful and defensive at the same time. The non-physical energy of the soul is love, peace, appreciation, gratitude, and well-being. There is appreciation in giving and receiving. Teach others about the value of gratitude, coupled with faith, responsibility, and compassion. Teach others about the laws and principles that are soul-filled.


What are you willing and able to give to others?
Can you receive what is given to you?   
Have you been called to do something inspirational (write, create, artistic, altruistic, service)?
What is the value of gratitude?
What are you thankful for?
Are you a complainer?
What and who are you most grateful for?
Have you missed an opportunity to give?
Are you aware of all that you have?
Is your “thank you” to others heartfelt or a reflex?
Is there anything more important to you than feeling good?
Are you aware of the Law of Gratitude?

Gratitude Practices:
  • Group/Family Appreciation: Celebrate family by supporting and recognizing successes. Focus less on mistakes and deficiencies by celebrating family achievements; celebrate the Divinity of each family member. Sit together with your family and express your appreciation for each other. You can do this in rounds. Start with anyone by saying I really appreciate that you… I really appreciate how kind you were when you… I appreciate that you make sure we … Continue the round, until everyone gives appreciation to one other person; then do a second round and a third, until everyone has appreciated everyone else in the group. Do this every day for at least a week. Notice not only how it makes people feel to be appreciated, but how it feels to give appreciation (Leap Before You Look by Arjuna Ardagh).
  • Gratitude Journal: A Gratitude Journal is significant to physical and spiritual well-being. List every day at least three experiences that you are grateful for – person, place, or thing.  In addition, list the good things that happened to you and/or others. Studies indicate that acknowledging your gratitude and appreciation impacts your level of happiness.
  • Affirmation: In all situations, there are unlimited possibilities and outcomes.  Affirm to yourself and others - “I can hardly wait to see the good that will come out of this.”
  • Acknowledgment Exercise: Right a Thank You Letter to someone who has been kind, compassionate, and helpful to you and others. If possible, deliver the letter in person. Gratitude creates a bond when it is heartfelt.
  • Rampage of Appreciation (ROP): What can you feel appreciation for in this moment? The goal of ROP is to feel good by creating energy in the present moment. ROP heightens our vibrational energy – our soul energy. Look around and identify what delights you in your immediate environment. Stay with the thought and feel the thought transform into a good feeling in the body – this is your soul energy. Move to the next object of your appreciation and continue to repeat the process. To enhance the affect of ROP, find things throughout the day to appreciate, and write about the things that provide you with the most joy. For best results, practice ROP at least 10 to 15 minutes a day, and throughout the day. ROP provides us with a technique to feel the vibration of the soul.  (Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks).

Be thankful for what you have and share your experience with others. Begin each day with a prayer of gratitude. Can you see, have you eaten today, can you walk, can you talk? Is there something or someone you can love? Is there someone you can call if you need help? Is there someone who loves you? Are your lungs, kidneys, and heart functioning without assistance? Can you breathe without assistance? Do you know the difference between laughing and crying? Can you see the beauty of a flower? Can you hug a child? Can you feel the warmth of the sun, the coldness of snow, the wind on your skin, the wetness of rain? Celebrate life by being grateful for all things; big and small. Be thankful for every yes!

How can you experience the fullness of gratitude in life? Develop your own spiritual practice.

Peace and Much Blessings






Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice
52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams

The purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through the daily practice of spiritual principles. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. This week’s spiritual principle is Forgiveness.

Forgiveness means to “let go” or to pardon. Forgiveness gives us the opportunity to be honest about our feelings, and supports the unfolding of our true identity; the Truth of who we are. With forgiveness, we keep the lines of communicating with others open. Anger and frustration diverts our energy and prevents and derails us from our vision and focus.  Forgiveness is a win-win for us and others. Forgiveness means that we take full responsibility for our behavior. Forgiveness does not give others the right to be emotionally or physically abusive. Examining our role in conflict, allows us an opportunity to make another choice. When we forgive others, we determine the role the other person plays in our lives; full reentry of the other is not required. Setting boundaries are necessary in order to guard ourselves from ego-based actions of selfishness, betrayal, rejection, inconsiderate, spiteful and careless behaviors of others. No experience is wasted. Forgiveness is soul-inspired, forgiveness is freedom.

In all you’re getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). To understand all is to forgive all. We treat others based on our level of awareness. Jesus demonstrates this when He asked forgiveness from God; Father, forgive them for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34). Say silently to the other “You my brother or sister, you have wronged me in the past. I now understand that it was because you were unaware and did not see clearly. I no longer feel anger toward you.” Forgiveness only works when combined with compassion. Forgiveness is for you, not the other person; we are doing our work for ourselves; for our soul connection with God. True awareness of another’s situation results in compassion. If you are working on forgiving and you remain angry, you probably want revenge.

First forgive yourself for believing things about yourself and others that are not true. Acknowledge when you are practicing ego-based conduct (inappropriate behavior, judgment of others, needing to be right, and my way is the only way). Allow soul qualities of love and compassion to replace unforgiveness. Forgive seven times seventy (Matthew 18:22). When we ask God to forgive our shortcomings, we are expected to forgive others (Matthew 6:12). The soul qualities establish harmony, inner peace, unity, and responsibility. When an unfortunate event happens to the person you forgave and you feel satisfaction with thoughts of “served them right” or “they got what they deserved” you did not truly forgive. The litmus test for true forgiveness maintains a sense of compassion for the other.

Who am I and why am I here?
What are my core qualities?
What does forgiveness mean?
What prevents me from forgiving others?
Am I aware when my actions and words offend others?
Are there things I cannot forgive myself for doing?
Do I hate those who hate me?
Are there things in my heart I cannot forgive myself for doing?
Is holding my ground, defending my position, promoting my opinion making me feel better?
If my life depended on it, could I let it go? Can I drop the story of why and because.
How and what offends me?
Why is it necessary to forgive?
Is the need for revenge greater than a desire to forgive?
What needs to be forgiven, and am I willing to forgive?

Forgiveness Practices:

  • The Forgiveness Diet: Forgiveness is a spiritual laxative which cleanses the mind, heart and spirit of impurities. Forgiveness opens the channel of goodness/God to flow - creating love, joy, happiness, success, and peace. You will need a notebook, 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. On a clear page, number every other line, 1 through 35. Write the following sentences 35 times: I forgive myself totally and unconditionally for______________________. I forgive ______________________totally and unconditionally. Do not pick and choose who you will or will not forgive. Do not think before you write. Write whatever name comes to mind. Try to write 35 different names, if one name is repeated, that is fine. When you have repeated the exercise, take a long deep breath and close the book. Repeat this exercise twice a day, before noon and before midnight for 7 days. If you miss a day, start over. True forgiveness requires work. Missing a day reflects the resistance of your unconscious mind to releasing the pain. Be gentle with yourself and keep trying. Don’t be alarmed if you see or hear from the person you are forgiving and releasing. Spirit will show you whether you have completed your task. Pay attention on how you respond to situations. You will experience a sense of freedom when you totally forgive (Tapping the Power Within by Iyanla Vanzant)
  • Affirmation: I take full responsibility for my actions and forgive myself for all that I have knowingly or unknowingly done to hurt myself and any other individuals. I release myself from the bondage of on forgiveness. I am free, free in the freedom that has always been mine. I claim it now. Guilt, shame, and blame are now neutralized by the unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness which saturate my awareness, my heart, my entire being. Right here and right now I am cleansed of the toxin of unforgiveness. I begin afresh and give thanks for this realization. I free myself and I free you from all blame of knowingly or unknowingly hurting me. Through the power of forgiveness all is well between our spirits. You are free and I am free. All is well between us (Lifevisioning by Michael Beckwith).

Think forgiving thoughts and speak forgiving words. What do we “give for” the other? In the process of forgiveness, we give love, joy, goodwill, and all the blessings of life to the other. We wish for the other, health, happiness, and peace. That is what the scripture means to forgive seven times seventy (Matthew 18:22). Forgiveness is love in action. God is Love. Make love the goal of your life.

What is your process of forgiving self and others? Develop your own spiritual practice?

Peace and Blessings

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Affirmations as a Spiritual Practice

52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams

The purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through daily practice. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. With practice, you will begin to encounter your experiences in a spiritual context as you begin to practice and master spiritual principles. This week’s spiritual principle is Affirmations.

Affirming is the process of harmonizing with God’s blessings and provisions. Speak encouraging and positive statements that support your prayers and moves you closer to soul qualities (inner peace, wisdom, and understanding). Like music, words create tone, harmony and vibration.  An affirmation is intelligent self-talk with purpose, power, encouragement, motivation, and conviction. Affirmations clear the mind of years of negative programming.   When we state affirmations with emotion, we feel the good coming alive. Everything we say is an affirmation– positive or negative.  The tongue can speak words that bring life or death. Those who love to talk must be ready to accept what it brings; Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose (Proverbs 18:21). Thoughts and words are powerful and create reality. Speak about what you want for yourself and others, and if necessary, bridle the tongue. Words are things.

The goal of affirmations is to change your thinking and as a result, a change of behavior occurs. We are what we think, say, and do. The process is thought-to speech-to experience. There is power in the spoken word. You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you, and the light shall shine upon your ways (Job 22:28). The establishing is not up to us, we leave the establishing to God and focus on intention. Even if we cannot see how our request can manifest; decree it anyway. Do all you can do; God is your Source and Supply. Demand and supply; you affirm your desires and God establishes them. Watch your thoughts, and if necessary, make a course correction on negative, limited thinking. Doubt and unbelief delays God’s blessings. All things whatever you ask for believe you receive them and you will have them (Mark 11:24). Affirm what is true for you with feeling, energy, attraction, and magnetism. Your thoughts attract your experiences. The promise of God is to manifest our desires. God always works on our behalf.

We are responsible for our lives through our thoughts and speech. Speak words of forgiveness, peace, and grace.  Speak on good things (Philippians 4:8). Affirm the good and reduce negative self-talk with the dynamic and creative energy of affirmations. Affirmations assist in plugging into the power source; the soul power from the Source – God. Words are things; words create.

Affirmations should:

Create positive feelings
Be stated in the present moment
Be spoken with conviction and belief
Be spoken with emotional energy
State what is true for you
State your desire and intention
Bring you joy and happiness
Establish a desire
State that a thing exists - “I am”

Although there are basic guidelines for constructing affirmations, create your own; what feels right for you. The “I AM” empowers the affirmation. The goal is to select words that arouse positive emotions. God is experienced through the heart not the intellect.

            I am attracting
            I love the though
I feel excited
I am thrilled
I love feeling
I am overjoyed
I am happy that
I am elated


What do you say and believe about your life?
What do you intend?
Do you know what you want?
What are your passions and desires?
Can you express yourself clearly and directly?
What is it that you want for yourself and family?

Affirmation Practices:
  • For optimal results, commit to an affirmation practice at least daily (approx. 30 minutes).  Listen to your affirmations on a recorder during the day, or as an auto suggestion before sleep. At sleep time, the mind is relaxed and less resistance. Affirmations reprogram years and generations of negative programming
  • Affirmation: God is life, love, intelligence, substance, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence. I am a child or manifestation of God, and every moment His life, love, wisdom, power flow into and through me. I am one with God, and am governed by His law. I am Spirit, perfect, holy and harmonious. Nothing can hurt me or make me sick or afraid. I manifest my real self through this body now. God works with me to will and to do whatsoever He wishes me to do, and He cannot fail (Lessons in Truth by Harriet Emile Cady).

You are the thinker that creates the thought and creates the thing. You are powerful and responsible for your life situations. Decide for yourself what you desire to experience. Don’t doubt your progress or Process, and keep believing for the best.  Be careful what you think. Above all that you guard, protect your heart, because ·your thoughts run your life;life flows from your thoughts (Proverbs 4:23).

How do you affirm your goodness to Self, God, and others?  Develop your own spiritual practice.

Peace and Many Blessings








Sunday, October 11, 2015

Choice as a Spiritual Practice

52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams

The purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through daily practice. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. This week’s spiritual principle is Choice.

Choice is a teacher when we become aware of why we choose our behaviors, friends, activities, food, attire, music, etc. When our decisions are based on social conditioning, automatic responses, and past experiences, they are not true choices. Habitual responses are learned, not choices. Choice only occurs in awareness. We don’t choose dysfunction; choice is a conscious act and requires a higher degree of consciousness. Domestic violence, eating disorders, oppression, depression, racism, and sexism – these are conditioned responses. Making choices to fit in with other’s expectations is the lowest level of choice. Choices perceived as wrong can be framed as lessons learned; no experience is wasted. Get the lesson and make another choice. Life is win-win and self-correcting and when we are unaware, choice is an illusion.

We think more about the past and future than the present moment. Research studies show, that as adults, 25,000 hours of conditioning from childhood affect our thought processes daily. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result (Albert Einstein). Present moment awareness free us from automatic actions and reactions when we seek to qualify and understand our actions. Conditioned patterns can be changed through subtle action. Make a conscious choice to look, watch, be aware of reactions, and be open to change. Subtle awareness is connecting to the soul; God’s Spirit within. Choices made from the level of the ego discourage forgiveness and encourages drama, competition, and conflict. Jesus’ edict on the cross, Forgive them for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34), indicates that people can be highly intelligent and lack Higher consciousness. God consciousness balances the intellect and emotions.

Make choices based on intention. When making choices, ask the questions: What are my intentions in making this choice? How will this choice affect me and others? Is this choice for the good of all concerned? When examining the quality of your choices, align with the soul, a deeper level of awareness. The energy of the soul is love, wisdom, oneness, compassion, and acceptance. There is always more than what we see through the five senses. Responsible choice takes into account what is seen on the physical plane, and also unlimited possibilities from intuition, gut feelings, and visions.

Your choices move you closer to the ego or the soul. Temptation is an opportunity to grow when we allow the soul to enlighten us. God-consciousness provides insight before acting. When tempted, Jesus chose to move closer to the soul (Matthew 4:1-11). His deeper awareness superseded all physical temptation (turning stone to bread to eat; acquiring all the worldly kingdoms). Keep the purpose of your life as your center, driver, and motivator when making decisions. Be clear on who you are and why you are here.

Choice Practices

·         All choices have good or bad consequences. Make a list of crucial choices you’ve made over the past five years. Think of one “bad” thing that resulted from a “good” choice and one “good” thing that resulted from a “bad” choice. “Good” and “bad” are labels. Choice consists of a variety of scenarios, some things we can foresee and others are hidden. Our paths are not linear and predictable. Our level of awareness and how we respond to the choices we make have deeper meanings. Take an opportunity to choose a vertical path.
·         Set a list of values that are basic for who you are and why you are here (love, kindness, truth, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, etc.) and develop daily practices. Track your progress by journaling.
·         Have an accountability partner that can “check” you when your choices are less than desirable. An accountability partner provides support, feedback, and insights.
·         Practice awareness. Identify when a choice is made from past conditioning. Once you track patterns of behavior, you have an option to make changes. Recognizing a choice is a choice.
·         Affirmation: “Your will be done (Matthew 26:42), Find me where you want me to be.”


Am I morally justified to make this choice?
Will this choice help me grow?
Who am I and Why am I here?
Who will this choice help or harm?
Is this what I have always chosen, is it automatic or habitual?
Has this choice worked in the past and do I have alternative choices?
Do I trust in a Higher Power?
Is this choice based on my Highest principles?
Is this what I really want?
Am I looking inward for direction?

True choice is a spiritual teacher when we act from a state of awareness. Practice awareness in your actions/reactions. Identify when a choice is made from past conditioning - fear, loneliness, regret, revenge, anxiety, and hurt. With every choice there are consequences. When we make choices from the soul, we generate love and compassion for self and others. Mind is conditioned by the past and we “choose” what is familiar. Patterns of dysfunction, conflict, pain, and insanity are reactions, not conscious choices. No one chooses dysfunction or insanity. Free the choice maker and act in collaboration with the soul; God’s will.

Are your choices intentional and aligned with the soul? Or are they a result of past conditioning? Develop your own spiritual practice.

Peace and Many Blessings

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Awareness as a Spiritual Practice

Awareness as a Spiritual Practice
52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams

The purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through daily practice. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. With practice, you will begin to encounter your experiences in a spiritual context as you begin to practice and master spiritual principles. This week’s spiritual principle is Awareness.

Our core quality is awareness. Awareness means to be awake to our inner and outer world. Awareness is having the ability to witness our inner dialogue without judgment. Awareness is sitting in the seat of the Self (the soul), the witness. Awareness allows us to be conscious of the ego (self) and soul (Self), and the opportunity to merge the two (ego and soul). In expanded awareness, we see deeper meanings, insights, discernment, intuitions and visions. In expanded awareness we know that all events have meaning, even coincidences. No experience is wasted. Move in the direction of unity, love, and peace by integrating the soul and ego. Awareness is where we do the real work for peace and freedom.

The person looking in the mirror today is the same person in the mirror at age 5, 10, 20, and 60. Although the body image changes, the inner you is changeless. You are not your name, occupation, ethnicity, body, past, title, or thoughts because when these things change – your essence is changeless. Ask the question: “Who am I?” “Who sees what I see, and who hears what I hear?” Who we are and why we are here is no longer a mystery.  If you are looking at something, the something is not you. You are the experiencer, the witness - awareness is who we are.

Begin to witness the quality of your thoughts through self-observation and awareness. There is a voice in your head that talks constantly. The voice is the ego talking about anything and everything in relationship to the self. “I like that…I don’t like that…Why did they forgot me…What about me…; I should have said… Why don’t they like me…I don’t like that…” There is never peace or contentment when the ego self has a problem with everything. Spend a day with the voice inside your mind, personify that voice and make it your roommate. Witness the endless chatter regarding the “I, me” dialogue with problems, complaints, and disturbances. Don’t fight the ego, question it.  As you become aware of the unending chatter in the mind, say, “That’s not me.”

Our connection to what is good is by way of the soul. We are connected to God through our soul which is loving, compassionate, gentle, kind, and nonjudgmental. The soul Self is subtle and less demanding than the ego self. Free the self from the ego by identifying and practicing spiritual qualities and being vigilant in monitoring your thought processes.  For as a man or woman thinks in their heart and soul, that is who they are (Proverbs 23:7).  Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8). Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise and consider the concept of expanded awareness as allowing the will of Divine Intelligence to guide and direct your life. Thy will be done (Matthew 6:4).  Allow your soul – your Higher Self to lead.

Expanded awareness empowers us to sense problems and challenges and to accept guidance by our Higher awareness – the soul. Expanded awareness is the sacred path where the “I” “me” and “mine” fades to the background. In expanded awareness, everything is connected. In addition to the five senses, expanded awareness is a process where we see more of what is available and have access to limitless possibilities from the Universe – the soul connection, the Source, God.


Who are you and why are you here?
Are you aware of the voice talking inside your head all the time?
What is the voice saying?
Who is the one that is listening to the voice?
Are you aware of repetitive patterns of behavior?
Have you proved by experience that your past actions do not work for present challenges?

Awareness Practices:
  • Hugging Meditation: Practice breathing in and breathing out, recite “Breathing in, I know that life is precious in this moment. Breathing out, I cherish this moment of life.” Smile at the person in front of you, expressing your desire to hold him or her in your arms. Then open your arms and begin hugging. Hold each other for three in – and out-breaths. Bring your body and mind together to produce your total presence (awareness). Train yourself to live every moment of your daily life in the present moment (Happiness by Thich Nhat Hanh).
  • Affirmation: I am the one who sees out there. I am the observer, experiencer, the witness. I am changeless, timeless, invisible, and intangible. I am present at the seat of the soul. I look out and I am aware of the events and thoughts that pass before me with detachment. I sit in the seat of the soul; the seat of consciousness.
  • Witness your EGO dominated behaviors and transition to the spiritual principles of the SOUL.The soul is the Divine characteristic of the physical body. The ego contradicts the role of the soul, which is Higher Awareness. Keep track of your thoughts and eventually there will be a shift from ego-based to soul-inspired thoughts and actions. The goal is to modify the ego’s role from a dominant to a subordinate status. Higher awareness produces soul qualities when we do the work by practicing spiritual principles. Connect with the Higher Self – the soul – and experience God. Create a new reality by making a shift from ego to the soul and allow your Higher Self to dominate your life. Expand God qualities listed below by practicing spiritual principles.
Individual Expression









Be still, and know that I am God (Psalms 46:10). Awareness occurs when we silence the mind in stillness. Awareness is not something you do, but a way of being. We are all part of God, the Holy Spirit – God consciousness. Abide in me, and I will abide in you (John 15:4). The seed of awareness is available to all.

How do you shift your awareness from being ego-based to soul-inspired? Develop your own spiritual practice.

Peace and Much Blessings