Thursday, September 3, 2015

Faith as a Spiritual Practice

Faith as a Spiritual Practice
52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams

The purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through daily practice. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. This week’s spiritual principle is Faith.

Faith is a spiritual practice, but also a spiritual power with emotional and mental force. We have faith in the natural laws of the Universe.  We know the sun will rise and set, the moon cycles, and the laws of gravity are tried and true. Our basic faith is in the law of order, cause and effect, and the law of probability. This type of faith provides us with a sense of stability. Faith as a spiritual practice refers to faith as the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it (Hebrews 11:1). The evidence of this faith is practice, and practice results in direct experience; faith and works are close partners.

Faith is not an idea or philosophy. Faith is a confident expectation, and without it there is no will, desire, or enthusiasm. Through practice, faith becomes a knowing.  Faith through direct experience is moving forward with your dreams and ideals one step at a time, until you arrive.  Know that God is with you always, and has your best interest in mind; that’s what makes the journey great. Know that all things work together for the greater good, for those who love God (Romans 8:28).  Look for the meaning in coincidences, be thankful, and keep moving forward one step at a time. Use every experience as a character building exercise by practicing faith, love, kindness, gentleness, and peace because character is developed through direct experience.

Having faith the size of a mustard seed (Luke 17:6) indicates that a little faith goes a long way when we are challenged by unbelief and doubt. Faith cures are based on belief. Jesus’ concept of faith illustrates that faith can heal, “your faith has made you well” (Mark 5:34; Luke 17:19).  The mind has the ability and capacity to heal the body when there is a confident expectation of the outcome. Positive faith is enthusiastic belief. Negative faith is worry. Enthusiasm is the fuel of faith. Worry cancels out faith. Enthusiasm is inspiring, high energy and stirs the soul. Worry is a low energy vibration and depressing. Faith keeps you true to your vision. Doubt is very powerful because we tend to believe only what we see, but there is more, much more than what cannot be seen.


What are the tools of your faith?
What is your spiritual practice?
What do you have faith in (people, job, Higher Power)?
What is the evidence of your faith?
Do you have faith in your actions?
Do you know the promises of God?
Can you trust that life is working on your behalf?
What role does faith play in your life?
How important is faith in your life?
What do you believe and why?
How far are you on your chosen path?
Are you progressing? If not, why? If so why?
Who are you becoming on your path?
What is your life vision?
Is your life unfolding without struggle?
Are your beliefs holding you back?
Are your outer awards a deterrent from seeking internal awards?
Are you preparing to meet opportunities for success?
Do you substitute external rewards over inner growth?
What spiritual resources do you utilize as life practices?
What area in your life needs growth?
Are you responsible for your own evolution?
What are you designing through your thought processes?
Are you growing spiritually?

Faith Practices:

Take inventory of your thoughts and habitual behaviors. What do you think about how you treat you and how others treat you? How much time do you spend on social media, watching television, and reading? What is the program content? Is it awe inspiring, drama-filled or violent? Look for patterns and write them down in a journal. Make an effort to be aware of what you do; in awareness there are unlimited possibilities.What you accept from others and Self is an indication of what you believe about you. Do you believe you deserve better? If not, why not? Treat your life as if you are weaving a tapestry. Be aware of the world you are co-creating. Why not co-create a master piece through thoughts (faith) and behaviors (works).

Belief and faith are not the same. Beliefs are stored in the mind and overtime influenced by family, peers, and societal norms or what was heard repeatedly. Some beliefs are hidden and can be uncovered by awareness of thought patterns. Beliefs are transformed into knowing through direct experience. Combine faith with practice and move in the direction of the soul, your higher Self. God is waiting for you to come up higher and He will guide and protect.

What role does faith play in your daily life? Develop your own spiritual practice.

 Peace and Many Blessings


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