as a Spiritual Practice
52 Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams
The purpose of the 52 Principles is
to develop a partnership, a connection with God. Connecting with God is why we
are here; the soul’s desire. To be in communication with the Creator is ideally
the most fulfilling life, our best life. The intent of the 52 Principles is
God-realization through daily practice. Practice the principles with frequency
and find God-consciousness through your own efforts. With practice, you will
begin to encounter your experiences in a spiritual context as you begin to
practice and master spiritual principles. This week’s spiritual principle is Perseverance.
defines perseverance as “a continued effort to do or achieve
something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering and steadfastness.” Perseverance
coupled with industry, diligence, positive attitude, determination, and
flexibility; at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”
(Galatians 6:9). The right time is
God’s perfect timing. Persevere until the appointed.
Is there a benefit to hard times?
When all is well, we are at our peak, but every peak is prefaced by a valley.
God uses situations and people to refine us. If we experience difficult
situations with coworkers, we are being challenged to endure and to love
others. When we have done all we can do and are expecting the best possible
outcome, our challenge is to trust. Perseverance exposes and tests the quality
of our character, heart condition, and faith. The good news about time and
perseverance is that it provides opportunity to correct the areas that are
brought to light. Unless we work through our issues and trials, we will
continue to repeat the same trials until we pass the test. Challenge brings out
our greatest assets We are God’s workmanship – clay in the Potter’s hand.. For we are
His workmanship, created in and for good works, which God has prepared that we
should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10).
While waiting for your goals and desires to come to
fruition, believe your goals can be reached and you are worthy of the
manifestation you desire. The scriptures counsels on perseverance: Be glad of your trials to test your faith. These trials are
only to test your faith, to see whether or not it is strong and pure. It is
being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it—and your faith is far more
precious to God than mere gold; so if your faith remains strong after being
tried in the test tube of fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory
and honor on the day of his return (1 Peter 1:7). Remain cheerful with a positive attitude and let go of jealousy, anger, frustration,
complaining, impatience, wrong attitudes, compromises, and motives. Rise to a
new level and be the person God created you to be.
God in the midst of what you are doing?
do you demonstrate your impatience and frustration when you are required to
Examine your heart; are there
attitudes that you need to change?
Identify your impurities, intent and
How do you react when things don’t
go your way?
Whose life inspires you and why?
What did you do today to advance you
toward your goals?
How long will you be faithful to
what you desire in your life (marriage, business, family, and livelihood)?
Perseverance Practices:
is working on your behalf. Affirm “God is in control of my life; working out
His plan for my life.”
see the micro, but there is a bigger picture; the macro. God knows the end,
middle, and beginning of your life. Spending time with God will help you to
persevere and remain committed: Pray.
one thing daily that advances you toward your goals.
Many people are having hard
times, some are struggling more than you and they continue to persevere. Be
encouraged and inspired by reading, listening, and watching how others are
encouraged. Success stories contain failures, perseverance, struggle, and
character building. Use the experiences of others as teaching tools. In
addition, find ways to encourage yourself through positive self-talk, and be
aware of your negative thought processes.
God’s timing. Enjoy your life while you are waiting with expectation for God’s
appointed time, and never grow tired of doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13).
Trials are beneficial; use them as teaching tools. God’s timing is God’s will
and favor.
do you persevere when people and life challenges become difficult? Develop your
own spiritual practice.
and Much Blessings
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