as a Spiritual Practice
Weeks of Spiritual Practice
By Deborah Williams
purpose of the 52 Principles is to develop a partnership, a connection with
God. Connecting with God is why we are here; the soul’s desire. To be in
communication with the Creator is ideally the most fulfilling life, our best
life. The intent of the 52 Principles is God-realization through daily
practice. Practice the principles with frequency and find God-consciousness
through your own efforts. With practice, you will begin to encounter your
experiences in a spiritual context as you begin to practice and master
spiritual principles. This week’s spiritual principle is Order.
essence of spirituality is creation. God has an operating system to order our
spiritual and material life which works in our best interest. His rules of
creation, seed and harvest time (Genesis 8:22), do not require our consent,
agreement, or cooperation. Words are seeds and seeds reproduce after their kind
(Genesis 1:11), whether we are conscious, or not. Love produces love; hate produces hate; and
corn produces corn. As we think, we are (Proverbs 23:7).
God’s operating system we reap what we sow. Scripture counsels, Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at scorned,
disdained. He deludes himself who attempts to delude God. For whatever a man sows
that and that only is what he
will reap. For he who sows to his lower nature, he will reap ruin and destruction, but if he sows to
the Spirit he will reap eternal life (Galatians 6:7-9).Words of faith are seeds and the heart is the soil for faith
seeds. How do we plant or sow faith
seeds? Seeds of faith are planted via the ears, eyes, mouth. What we think, what
we say, what we hear; positive or negative. The objective of planting faith
seeds is to penetrate the heart. Preparing the soil of the heart to accept the
faith seeds through prayer and meditation is a process of commitment,
discipline, patience, and perseverance. And let us not lose heart and
grow weary and faint in acting
nobly and doing right, for in
due time and at the appointed
season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and
faint (Galatians 6:9). God gave us the easy part – planting, sowing,
and keeping out the weeds. The harvest is governed by dedication and
persistence, but the Creator is responsible for its manifestation; nothing is
impossible for a person who has a solid belief system (Matthew 17:20).
God’s presence in our life will show us how to move
from point A to point B. Answers come when there is order. Life changing ideas
come from God through prayer; heartfelt prayer. One word from God can change
everything. God has something to say and He instructs and teaches us if we
allow Him. We are encouraged, Come close to God and He will come close to
you (James 4:8). When we are aware of His system, God becomes personal and
we are animated and more aware of the present moment:
Events in life reflect our thoughts
People in our life are present for a
Attention creates our reality
Nothing is random, all things are in
spiritual principles working in your life?
much time do you commitment to spiritual principles (prayer, mindfulness,
you aware of God’s operating system?
you sow seeds, what happens to your seed?
are your faith seeds and how often are you planting?
is your process in maintaining order in your life?
is your prayer life or seed planting?
Order Practices:
Develop a prayer life. Make your first contact
of the day and commune with God. Meet the day in silent unity with God and set a
subtle intention on the day’s activities. Affirm, “Find me where you want me to
be” and “Your will be done”. Be alert, authentic and pray what you feel, not
what you think. God is concerned with your heart, not intellect. The Master
taught us how to construct a simplistic form of prayer that includes
recognition of God, requesting daily provisions, forgiveness, and protection;
in essence the Kingdom of God. You can never pray too much. Sowing seed costs
time in prayer and meditation.
Develop an orderly process for living. Retune
the body and create order. Start with a few simple things. Develop a daily regimen for the next ten days
to put order in your daily life: everyday clean your house, make your bed every
morning, don’t skip breakfast, and arrive at work 15 minutes early. Address the
simple things to bring the body back to order.
Maintain order in the mind and body by developing
a daily pattern for eating, sleeping, prayer and meditation, physical activity,
order your work environment, limit drama, don’t rush through undertakings, and
be mindful in all activities. Limit confusion, chatter, and drama to create
peace and serenity.
operating system is word to heart. What we speak, see, hear and do is planted
in the heart and produces peace or chaos. Keep
and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out
of it flow the springs of life
(Proverbs 4:23). Faith is belief. Plant faith seeds in the fertile ground of
the heart.
do you practice God’s operating system of order ? Develop your own spiritual
and Many Blessings
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